Posted in Life thoughts

Are you really Worshiping????

Worship : expression of reverence and adoration for God as the dictionary says.

Whom do you worship?? GOD..

Why?? Cause we admire Him, fear Him..

Why?? Cause we think He is superior, He is powerful..

How to express adoration and reverence??

1) Think of God.. Say thank you..

2) Arrange Pooja’s and prayers to thank him..

3) Kill an animal and gift Him its blood..

4) Feed the Pandits and Poojaris as they are the meditators of God..

5) Feed the underprivileged who are hungry since days..

Do all methods of expression make sense??

Lets go in order..

Think of God as your friend.. someone who helped you in difficult times.. through thick and thin..

What do we do when someone helps us in need, motivates us?

We want to thank them in any possible way..

Is saying thank you enough?

Not really, we want to be of use to them too..

How can you be of use to someone who has everything.. who needs nothing..

May be, we can at least let them know that we care and their help is appreciated and we can do anything that can add to their happiness..

Like what can add up to His happiness?

Daily prayers?

Really?? Would you be happy if the friend you helped keeps on writing your glory poems day in and day out?? Won’t you be satisfied with a single thank you??

Then how about offering Him dead animals blood??

I hope He will definitely not approve of his own creation be killed or destroyed.. how absurd is that.. have you ever thought of gifting a mother her own childs blood?? Who likes seeing blood?? If you still think that blood might make Him happy then is He really worth admiration?? If blood can’t make you happy then how can it make Him happy??

If not blood then how about feeding His messengers??

Do they really need your food? They are the one who can earn and are living a standard life with all the basic needs being fulfilled. No harm in feeding them but does this give you the satisfaction? They might be the mediators but they do not need your help.. and working where there is no need is waste of energy..

Then what?? Will feeding the poor and needy people make him happy??

Now we make a point. Imagine a mother’s happiness on seeing her hungry child being fed. Your food will be valued more by them. When you feed those who were not fed by Him, He will be really really happy.

I do not ask you to feed the poor every now and then.. even if you can make a single person smile , He will be happy and your gratitude will be accepted for sure.

Worshiping doesn’t only mean praying..

Worshiping has to come from heart..

And yes,