Posted in Life thoughts

Choice – is difficult


Sometime you really wish you had no choices.

Believe me choices are never easy..

Even choosing the right clothes to wear every morning seems difficult then how can we expect life to offer us easy choices..

What do you do when you have to make a difficult choice???

1) At first place everyone tries to avoid the situation that forces them to make a choice..

2) Ask your friends /family to make a choice for you..

3) worry too much about the consequences of the choice made..

4) Blame yourself/others/God for the consequences for putting you in such situation..

5) Overthinking and overanalyzing..

What you forget to do while making a choice???

1) Accept that life is not always easy..

2) Consider your priorities and happiness instead of asking others..

3) There is no point in worrying when the choice is based on your happiness..

4) Everyone is fighting their own battle, you are not alone. Blaming is just an excuse for the weak..

5) Thinking and analyzing is necessary but anything in excess is poisonous. Keep a check..

Whatever you choose will generate a new sequence of actions..

No decision is wrong..

The consequences that are against your don’t mean they are wrong..

Not everything you plan is foolproof..

Make the best out of the choices made..

Consider your happiness ,passion and dreams because nothing is worth if you are not happy.. ☺️

And nothing is wrong when you are happy.. ☺️


To know a person you must know what they READ, WRITE and how they BEHAVE. So know about me through my blog :)

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